MOOC have no barriers to learning, is it true?

Have you ever tried traveling to other places?

If there are some courses you want to join but you are facing with obstacle in distance and time, how do you do?

A technology advancements are providing us a feeling of comfort. We can search many things from our electronic device quickly if there is an internet connection.

But unfortunately, sometimes we are flooded with datas available so we have to weight each data carefully making sure it is trust worthing.

Would it be better for us if we could save time and money to learn many new experiences on a new platforms named MOOC 


Figure 1: Feel a Comfortable

MOOC is a new technical education system via online platforms that we can access a course anytime and anywhere.

Is it sound comfortable if we can have a cup of coffee while studying at our own place?


Figure 2: Benefit and Drawback

However, it is undeniable that everything has two sides.

From my experiences on BENEFIT of MOOC, it gives an opportunity to everyone since there is unlimited on a number of users. People who want to increase their abilities and skills can enroll any courses for free.

Furthermore, there is a video with English subtitles which is very useful for non-native speakers. It is also quite easier to listen to the video instead of reading many texts.

Apart from that, the content of each topic can be discussed among learners no matter where they are or what do they do. People around the world have a different views, some agree with the content but some does not. At this point I can get more knowledges and more informations from their experiences as well as improve my analytical skill.

On the other hand, I have found that MOOC also has some DRAWBACKS. We can short minded in our learning scope as we will rely too much on information from others instead of conducting a deep research ourself.

Moreover, the comment box can only be filled with texts and links. It will be more interesting if we can share photos and videos directly there.

Additionally, the difference of culture and religion among each country may lead to a disagreement in the discussion. For example, if you are an Asian people and take the online course of law or economic from the  University in European country, you will find a content of the course totally different from where you live.

Lastly, as this is an online course so I have to put high self motivation to study and complete all of them which is sometimes very bored.

Do you think MOOC give you more benefits or drawbacks? Please, share your thought.

Reference : Figures

Cover Photo: Alperstein, N. (2015). Learn how to teach online? Take a MOOC. [Blog Post] Available from: [Accessed: 8 November 2015]

Figure 1: New, J. (2013). Platform helps drive conversation among thousands of MOOC students. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 8 November 2015]

Figure 2: Haroon, A. (2015). What is Cloudflare? Advantage and Disadvantage of Cloudflare. [Blog Post] Available from: [Accessed: 8 November 2015]